
Our Projects

Latest Primary Works

The quest of thirst is to find water. The thirst of quest is to find answers.
(c) 2024, Prof. Edwards

The Rates of Averages

New York, USA

Zeroless Mathematics

Malmo, SE

The Search for Fermat’s Proof

Toronto, CA

The Limits of Imagination​

Athens, GR

Mathematics in Neurology

Denver, USA

Derivatives Without Calculus

Texas, USA

Mysteries of Linear Programming

Ontario, CA

Incomplete Spectrums

Athens, GR

The following purports are designed to stir mathematical discourse and further research.

Giving Back

Our Charitable Work

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STEM is too strategically important to ignore. STEM fields drive innovation, leading to the development of new technologies, products, processes, job creation and economic stability.

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FREE Tutoring for Parents*

Acknowledging the important roles that parents can play in their children’s academic lives, we provide parents with school-aged children the basic tools necessary to participate in their children's school work.

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Promoting Education

The modern world is not automated. It takes people with the skills and knowledge necessary for our society to function and, more importantly, sustain. An educated society can contribute to higher levels of innovation, productivity, and efficiency--not to mention, a higher standard of living, better quality of life and overall stability.

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STEM is too strategically important to ignore. STEM fields drive innovation, leading to the development of new technologies, products, processes, job creation and economic stability.

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The widening divide between prosperity and poverty represents an impending catastrophe. "While It does not take much to stamp out global poverty, the will to do so is a measure of how little we have evolved as humans." .. Unknown

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